Our video production department is growing and with it so is our collection of equipment. Every web video, TV commercial, promo or documentary we produce is shot in high definition with the best quality lighting, grips, cameras and audio equipment. This ensures that we conform to all film/video industry standards and meet or exceed your expectations with the final video product.

DJI - Mavic Pro2 Drone Cameras

Black Magic Production 4K Cameras

GoPro 4K Cameras with water proof cover

DV CAM 3 CCD Cameras-Sony Digital DSR 400P DV CAM

Sony DV CAM Camera S– 270 DSR / Sony HVR – HD1000P

DVCAM 3CCD Camera DSR 250

Panasonic Video Switcher

Sony Pd 170 3CCD Digital Camera

Canon XL 2s 3 CCD Digital Camera

Jib Crane


Matte Box

Tiffen Filters

Lighting Kit Gear:ARRI LIGHTS 1000 and 2000w,Readheads 800w, Blonde 2000w,Reflectors,Lamp Filters, Reflection Umbrellas

Sound Kit: Full Sound kit which includes Rycote Windshield, Sony ECM 77B mics wireless, Sennheiser 416T directional mics, boom mics, and Lapel Mics and Extendable fish pole.

Professional Sony Monitor

Sony Digital Camera 10 mega pixels(Still Pictures)

Non-Linear digital Editing Suite Macintosh G4 and G5 Computers

Maya Software for Animations

Final Cut Express Pro

EDIROL Yamaha Digital Recording System

Microphones-Shures,Vocal and Mic Popar

Mo PHAT Sound Module

SAMSON Amplifier Servo 170 Control Power

Mixer Alies Studio 24”

KENWOOD CD Player Recorder

Sony DVD Writer